我已改了SETTING, 現在任何人也可留言, 即使不是MEMBERS, 甚至匿名留COMMENTS也可以啊~
最近一有時間便看書, 首先是買佐本The Da Vinci Code, 挑戰自己睇英文版. 而家係商務買好抵呀, 原價都只係$76(英文版呀), 用匯豐信用卡仲有半價, 折實都係$38蚊, 好鬼抵... 暫時要自己唔借助字典咁去睇, 睇下自己睇得明幾多, 暫時都OK既~
然後睇番晒區樂民d作品, 同埋間中睇下漫畫...
昨晚睇番仙太郎第四期, 講述仙太郎因為不是一隻純白色, 而是有斑點的小兔, 所以一直在寵物店無人問津, 只能眼見其他純白色小兔一隻一隻被新主人帶回家. 仙太郎在寵物店生活得很幸福, 有美味的食物, 有乾草墊著的床, 善良的寵物店主人, 還有新來的小兔同伴, 似乎一直在寵物店生活也不錯吧? 但仙太郎在想: "真的就這樣在這兒長大嗎? 有誰會愛護我, 照顧我, 把我當作親人哩? 在哪裡…" 然後, 斑點小兔終於遇上了會痛錫自己一生的主人阿麥, 自此便成了"仙太郎".
看到這兒, 我突然有少許感觸, 我也不禁在問: 究竟有沒有人願意真正愛我, 珍惜我,在乎我, 痛錫我呢? 究竟世上有沒有這樣的一個人存在呢?? 有的話, 你在哪裡? 若你願意的話, 請你出現在我身邊, 讓我知道你的存在吧~
2 則留言:
Two way mirror
Like so many things
love is over rated
its never so perfect
its never as good
yet we seek it still
that dream of ever after
such fairy tales
no need to ponder
If only you knew
all you needed to do
was to open your eyes
and see what you could
merely holding your hands
you will touch another
the one that has always been there
for you and your others
never asking for more
than the smile you wear
and the warmth your laughter
So don't worry about love
though not as perfect
it tends to come
when you least expect to
from the last person you think
because thats what love is
its about the other not about you
You are reading DaVinci Code? Thats a tough book to start, deals with alot of religious issue and myths. Hope you can finish it, as it is a really nice read, as long as you don't find it too long winded.
不要太過灰心!!!他可能也在尋找緊你, 這是你不知道的!!
*今日搬完office, 成身散哂但都好想reply你的connie