

尋日無啦啦收到CityU打黎既電話, 大致內容係話而家有一個external既scholarships, 可以受埋part-time既玩, 佢話我成績唔錯, 讀BBA BM之前都係CityU讀, 成績亦都好好, 所以諗住推薦我去爭呢個scholarships, 問我有無興趣, 佢話成功既話可以有$5000奬學金(我初初仲以為會有好多添...). 我問佢有咩手續同咩過程, 佢話只要我填佐張form, 然後可能會有D interview, 咁就得啦喎, 所以我即管試下啦~ (但係... 我既死穴就係interview喎, 係我好怕好怕既事, 我成世人未轉過工又唔積極搵工就係因為好怕好怕interview)

張form除佐填個人資料之外, 仲要填:

Extra-curricular Activities/Community Services:
(我唯有填CityU Philharmonic Orchestra-Secretary落去)

Volunteer/Community Services:
(中學去過葵涌醫院做義工既, 但當然唔會填落去啦; 我都有join過社署果個義工計劃, 亦都join過義務工作發展局做義工, 亦都有去醫院apply過做義工, 但係... 我好似無實際做過D咩喎, 所以最後咩都無填到落去)

Academic Distinctions, Scholarships and Prizes received in the past 3 years:
(都好, 我可以填BBA BM Scholarships 04~05同埋05~06)

Non-academic achievements in the past 3 years:
(搵到好老公算唔算? 呢欄又係漏空)

其實最鬼憎填D咁既野, 我做過D咩我自己知咪得, 無野填到落去又太寒酸得濟; 太多野填落去又浮誇扮野得濟. 記得以前讀中學要係手冊度寫底你果年做過D咩服務或幹事, 好似你係社長呀, prefect呀, 班長呀, 做過啦啦隊呀都可以寫落去, 唔同既服務會有唔同既分數, 然後如果你達到指定分數, 好似有D服務奬定乜野會頒番比你, 同埋當你畢業D先生幫你寫評語既時候都有個參考. 但有D人... 幫學校做過下璧報又寫落去, 係open day做過野又寫落去, 唔係呀化? 咁幫先生攞簿要唔要逐次寫埋落去呀?? 好肉酸呀~ 所以最後我寧願咩都唔要, 無交過本手冊去計分.

呢個係CityU send比我既mail:

Hong Kong Association of University Women Undergraduate Scholarships 2006/07

Dear XX,

Having consulted the Programme Leader, we would like to nominate you to the captioned scholarships which also accept part-time female students.
Could you please complete the attached Scholarship Nomination Form and return it together with a recent photo to our office as soon as you can?
Our drop-in box is located outside the General Office (Room G7502, Academic Building). Should there be any queries, please contact me at 3XXX XXXX.
