
有邊個讀日文既曾經諗住做翻譯?? (下篇)

另一份嘔血既文件, 係人地公司既內部文件, 份文件D用字深到吖, 而且一句句子有時七, 八行都仲未完, 加上好多term我估要係佢公司內部既人先會知係咩黎, 而且份文件係講change in control plan, share option, reward benefit之類既野, 講真我真係唔太了解裏面既內容... 就算叫我譯做中文我都做唔到, 仲話譯做日文...


成份文件我由頭到尾睇佐幾次, 有好多地方都唔明佢講咩, 我唯有將自己睇得明理解得到既部份, 用自己文字(當然係用日文寫)summarize出黎比個日本同事睇, 唉...


仲有呀, 我真係極度討厭譯e-mail, 你知啦, 有時唔知前文後理, 真係唔知到底發生緊咩事架麻, 日文又好多時會省略佐黎寫唔需要成句full sentence架麻, 例如有時我都唔知個句既subject係邊個, 都唔知點鬼譯...


前排要譯一堆日本auditor同個德國佬既e-mail, 你知日本人D英文程度架啦, 個德國佬既英文程度仲衰, 有時都唔知佢講緊乜, 以下列出一D內容比大家睇.




Due to the law, new auditor must meet with old auditor. We believe that when the personal Termim with the previous reviewer on 24. December at the premises of the company learn everything they need.

成個e-mail淨係得呢兩句, 並無任何上文下理可以參考.

然後個日本auditor唔明個德國佬講乜, 請佢再解釋一下, 個德國佬又咁樣覆佐:
Thank you for your reply. We ask the late answer to excuse.
A renewed demand for the management of the parent company confirmed that on 24. December the auditor will come  to the office of the company. Main purpose are to check "Inventory check", "Counting small cash" and so on. Does this approach to know?


雖然我大致上都明佢想表達D咩, 但D英文真係... petty cash叫做small cash, 聽講個德國佬都好似係auditor黎架喎...

然後個日本auditor話明白, 跟住反問一句:
Would you tell us what kind of report about inventory check?



Inventory check we understand made professional conventional audit procedures. Such as test whether the recognition and valuation of inventory.


唉, 你殺佐我把啦...



各位成日口口聲聲話想做日文翻譯既人, 真係唔好諗得太天真太理想呀, 我本人就極度厭惡翻譯既工作啦~~
