
有邊個讀日文既曾經諗住做翻譯?? (上篇)

我估好多有興趣讀日文既人, 可能都曾經諗過將來要做翻譯. 我想問大家心目中既翻譯工作到底係點既呢? 係咪諗住翻譯漫畫, 電影, 動畫, 化妝品護膚品既使用方法etc, 呢類"寓工作於娛樂"既行業呢?


如果你真係搵到呢類翻譯, 咁我真係非常之恭喜你(事實上有幾多公司真係會請一個純翻譯吖). 事實上, 我相信大部份要翻譯既野, 都係無比沉悶既商業文件...


我係公司裏面唔係專做翻譯, 但因為香港office既同事唔識日文; 黎到日本office D同事又唔識英文, 所以好多時D文件就揼晒比我要我做翻譯.



呢排, 我無啦啦做佐好多翻譯工作, D文件內容真係譯到我嘔晒血, 以下係其中一些令我嘔血既翻譯工作.



公司auditor唔識英文, 但最近接佐兩間以分別美國同德國為總部既日本分公司既audit黎做, 所以個audit report要出英文. 本來我地香港office係有D sample可以比佢地參考, 但佢地睇唔明英文, 要我將個audit report譯做日文比佢地睇, 我試列出某D內容比大家睇:


"Leases where substantially all the rewards and risks of ownership of assets remain with the lessor are accounted for as operating leases"


"A related party can also be a member of the key management personnel of the entity or its parent and his/her close members of the families and includes post-employment benefit plans which are for the benefit of employees of the company or of any entity is a related party of the company."


其實佢地未出聲叫我譯之前, 我都預佐佢地睇唔明個report, 我已經係側邊用日文寫住"呢度係解釋咩叫operating leases", "呢度係講related parties"既定義, 唉, 但係估唔到咁樣都唔夠, 要我詳細地譯埋出黎, 嘔血...


或者你會話, 上Yahoo Japan搵番operating lease同related party既日文定義黎參考咪得囉, 都係一個辦法黎既.



咁法律文件呢?? 有個客既香港分公司牽涉佐幾單官司, for the purpose of the clients' audited financial statement, 佢地既代表律師就send佐封信黎, 解釋一下到底果幾單官司係咩情況.


D日本auditors當然睇唔明"咁深奧"既法律文件啦, 結果咪又係去佐我度囉, 5頁紙既文件, 要大半日之內譯好做日文, 又嘔佐我幾桶血... 又列出部份內容比大家睇吓:


"On 1 Jan 2006, ABC lodged its Writ and the Statement of Claim in the High Court and had successfully served the Writ on the 1st Defendant DEF...... The 1st Defendant subsequently commenced a third party action against GHI and contribution proceedings against Chan Tai Man seeking an order to have GHI and/or Chan Tai Man to Indemnify DEF for any judgment sums awarded against DEF in favour of ABC in these proceedings."


你知啦, 有D字平時用同係法律文件上用係有完全唔同既解釋架麻, 好似上文咁, serve唔通真係譯做"為...服務"咩...




22 則留言:

倭国団長 說...

我以前的S大公司就真係請我作専門翻訳。。我有時真係好得閑、可以食完lunch返公司露面後就可鼠左去bookstore 打書釘成個鐘、無人理我。 
[版主回覆03/20/2010 21:14:00]嘩, 真係幾爽咁喎~

仲間 說...

[版主回覆03/20/2010 21:14:00]當然可以啦, 無可能所有字都會識得晒架麻~~

alex 說...

hey, i fully understand your situation as i'm also working on the moderation of chinese translation of our english annual report (luckily we have our translation staff to do so and i only suggest the rephrased wordings to ensure the correctness and accuracy)...agree that i, as a qualified accountant, find legal documents or accounting standards hard to understand, not to mention the translation of them....by the way, please try "google translate": http://translate.google.com/#en|ja| ....i used it to get the results of your "leases" paragraph being translated as below: "リースが実質的にすべての報酬や資産の所有権のリスクを貸主に残
るを占めているオペレーティングリースとして" but remember that you have to take some time to modify or fine-tune it by yourself....see whether it's workable...good luck!!
[版主回覆03/20/2010 21:14:00]我從來唔用果D翻譯網架, 最多只用字典網. 果D譯完出黎真係得啖笑架咋~~

alex 說...

i fully understand your situation....as a qualified accountant, i generally find the accounting standards/principles hard to understand, not to mention the translation of them...by the way, please try "google translate": http://translate.google.com/#en|ja| ...i used it to translate your "leases" paragraph as below: "リースが実質的にすべての報酬や資産の所有権のリスクを貸主に残
るを占めているオペレーティングリースとして" but remember that you have to take some time to modify or fine-tune it by yourself...please see whether it's workable...good luck!!!

alex 說...

i fully understand your situation....as a qualified accountant, i
generally find the accounting standards/principles hard to understand,
not to mention the translation of them...by the way, please try "google
translate": http://translate.google.com/#en|ja|  
...i used it to translate your "leases" paragraph as below:
but remember that you have to take some time to modify or fine-tune it
by yourself...please see whether it's workable...good luck!!!

yuubin503 說...

你好叻呀, 連法律文件都譯埋 ! 譯番中文都唔易啦, 重要譯番日文 !
[版主回覆03/20/2010 21:14:00]NO LA, 我譯完出黎果PAT屎都唔知有無人睇得明.

alex 說...

i fully understand your situation....as a
qualified accountant, i generally find the accounting
standards/principles hard
to understand, not to mention the translation of them...by the way,
please try
"google translate": http://translate.google.com/# en|ja|  
...i used it to translate your "leases" paragraph as below:
" リースが実質的にすべての報酬や資産の所有
権のリスクを貸主に 残 るを占めているオペレーティングリースとして "
but remember that you have to take some time to modify or
fine-tune it by yourself...please see whether it's workable...good

有緣館 說...

~~ 我睇到( 輕機 )呀! 所以我是做不到你的工作! 妳好利害呀!
[版主回覆03/20/2010 21:14:00]唉, 我都係頂硬上架咋, 譯完出黎都唔知有無人睇得明...

che hiem 說...


Winnie Choi 說...

You have learned while doing this,  good experience.
[版主回覆03/20/2010 21:14:00]thanks~~

Borcus 說...

嘩~~你好勁...日文又掂...英文又掂...法文你又掂...係語文天才...我就冇語文天份...學國語學來學去都學唔識呀... 好羨慕你咁另呀...
[版主回覆03/20/2010 21:14:00]唔係呀, 我都唔知譯得啱唔啱既. 死撐架咋. 同埋我唔識法文架, 係其中一個blog友佢先識.
我D國語都好屎架, 到而家都唔係好識講...

Borcus 說...

[版主回覆03/20/2010 21:14:00]無架, 佢只此一家架咋.

倭国団長 說...

三連休wor, U会去邊亜?
[版主回覆03/20/2010 21:15:00]呵呵, 我會出發去南房総呀~ 明天出發~~ 咁你呢?

Wai Yee 說...

[版主回覆03/20/2010 21:15:00]搵得多唔多都要睇你係邊類翻譯耶...

大勇 說...

[版主回覆03/20/2010 21:15:00]好難啦, 不過我就黎返香港, 好快甩難.

J Li 說...

好明白妳嘅苦況...我依加份工都無講過要做翻譯,結果日日都有唔同花款嘅東西等住我去譯,最慘我語文唔好,所以真係好痛苦 之不過我只係中翻英 & 英翻中,唔似妳要英翻日咁利害
[版主回覆03/20/2010 21:15:00]但係點解要你譯既? 其他同事呢?

HL 說...

我最近就翻譯左一批日本即食拉麵的宣傳語句...乜野濃味中見清淡!  令你一再回味的鹽味湯底!   ....我都唔知自己講緊乜野!!  
[版主回覆03/20/2010 21:21:00]濃味中見清淡... 呢句好玄呀

海豚 說...

你好叻呀... LAW 睇ENG都唔明...何況睇完要TRANSLATE... 屎得....
[版主回覆03/21/2010 00:32:00]NO LA, 我都係死頂架咋, 譯完出黎都唔知啱唔啱既.

倭国団長 說...

明日天気吾係幾好wor... 大風警告亜! 出街小心!
[版主回覆03/21/2010 00:32:00]在日最後一個三連休啦, 就算打風都要出街呀.

J Li 說...

[版主回覆03/24/2010 20:26:00]因為你做野快手, 所以難既JOB就交晒比你~

倭国団長 說...

[版主回覆03/31/2010 22:16:00]呵呵, 係呀, 我而家已經身處福岡某酒店內啦~~

Hoi Ying 說...

法律同金融的翻譯最嘔血, 佢地的terms真係吖... 淨係睇銀行同招股書的翻譯都睇極唔明啦~ 中英對譯已經難, 仲要譯埋做日文喎, 諗都唔敢諗!
我有個中學舊同學都係做日本筆譯, 淨係知道佢啱啱譯咗套"千秋王子"咋~
[版主回覆03/31/2010 22:16:00]咪係囉, 呢D文件 普通人係好難睇得明架麻,